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I Need A Snack

English Peas from Frank's Quality Produce by David McCrae on Zatista.com

I think we can all relate to a love of food. Food is both a necessity and an indulgence, and everyone has a soft spot for their favorite snack. Deep down, i think everyone is a “foodie”. So, why not bring out your inner foodie and shake up your summer decor with some food inspired artwork? Whether you’re vegan or a full­blown carnivore with the diet of Guy Fieri, everyone can enjoy a shrine of a favorite food. From colorful veggies to savory sandwiches, without further ado, here is some of the best of Ristorante Zatista:

“Pimientos” by Cristina B. Velasquez on Zatista.com

Veggies are an easy target because of their vibrant colors. Red and green are opposite on the color spectrum, and are also very bold jewel hues. The loudness of these colors speak for themselves, happily brightening any room. Also, who doesn’t love a juicy, spicy pepper? If not raw peppers, what is life without salsa?

“Apple Pie A La Mode” by Konnie Kim on Zatista.com

I have to show my inner sweet tooth some love. Ice cream is one of the most heavenly delights on Earth; creamy and sweet without being too dense. This scoop looks especially yummy and the apple pie is cut in the perfect triangle; the size of the slice is just right. The shadow it casts on the plate adds dimension to the image, and the bold, uninhibited brush strokes compliment the dripping ice cream and chunks of apple perfectly. Altogether, the deliciousness of the dessert and painting composition both earn an “A”.

“Wine for 2” by Filomena Booth on Zatista.com

Technically, wine isn’t a food. But, grapes are a food and wine can be a delicious accompaniment to a meal. Here, the color of the wine is beautiful, portraying it’s taste as sweet and intoxicating. It’s red without being fire­hydrant harsh or burgundy. The glasses are so full that they appear to be red in color — or maybe they are! The red shines vibrantly against the sweet pastel colors, and gives diversity to the color scheme. Overall, this gorgeous impressionist piece could compliment an already ­colorful space, or bring life to a more neutral setting.

“Pear” by Anne Lively on Zatista.com

Who doesn’t love a sweet, juicy pear? Pears are a hit among health fiends and junk food-lovers alike, because they are both nutritious and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. The emphasis on the ripening process is conveyed by the intense gradation, and the strategically placed dark-colored stem subtly adds drama to the ombre effect. To me, the pear’s coloring is reminiscent of fire. Also, fall is right around the corner so hanging this photo in the kitchen is a subtle, fun transition into autumn decor.

“Sammich” by Barbara Andolsek on Zatista.com

Nobody can pass up a good sandwich (rather, nobody should). This one looks as delicious as they come — fluffy bread, creamy mayonnaise, ripe, juicy tomatoes (and savory…chicken salad?), how can one say “no”? I also love how the bold brush strokes add dimension to the sandwich, and especially bring texture to the chicken salad. The tomatoes appear almost three dimensional due to careful shading and proper placement on the sandwich (the ends extend past the border of the bread). I can almost taste this!

“Copper Pot with Lemons” by Skeet Sirmons on Zatista.com

Not everyone will feel compelled to take a big bite out of a lemon. But how about lemon meringue, or lemon garnish on your beverage of choice? I feel compelled to add this piece to the list because of the amazing use of yellow. To me, the yellow used here is a perfect color—not too bright as to be neon, but not too dark as to look mustard—and it looks just perfect against the brown wood with red undertones. The knife placement is great too—the fact that the end extends beyond the table allows it too appear very realistic, along with the shadow it casts on the table’s surface. The lemon to the right looks very juicy, as if it’s just been cut.

“Peachy Cream” by Katrina Berg on Zatista.com

Who doesn’t love a good slice of cake? Half the fun in every wedding, birthday party, and family reunion is the cake. This cake here looks equal parts beautiful and delicious. The peachy pink and cool blues work beautifully together. The cake looks both delicate and savory. If only we knew the flavor, but the mystery makes it more exciting. I’m thinking red velvet!

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