Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Art That "Moos" You

The Cows Come Home by Stephanie Berry $1,000

Images of cows are typically viewed as rustic and farm-like, perfect for the cozy country home or cabin. But did you know that the symbolism of this farmland creature has a deeper, grander meaning?

Campus Cows by Carol Steinberg $1,220

In many cultures, cows symbolize fertility and a nurturing aspect. This makes “udder” sense (pun intended), seeing as how cows have been quite generous with their life source for ages.

Blue-Ridge Morning by Teddy Brown $500

Evening Walk by Nonyelum Ekwempu $280

Other symbolic meanings of the cow include patience, nourishment, abundance, feminine power, potential, possibility, calm, groundedness, and provision. Many of these qualities contribute to its alignment as a lunar symbol among the Chinese yin-yang energies.

Ready to Meet by Sharon France $450

If you are into symbolic meanings or would like to add the feeling of any of the qualities listed above to your surroundings, look no further than images of the “art that moos” you! Even if your style is a little less rustic or country, cows are great for symbolism. Check out more great original artwork at Zatista.com.

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